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Hey, it’s me – Matt, and I’m so glad you've found us!


Having ADHD, I thought meditation was not only a joke, but boring and impossible. What a journey to discover I can still my mind.

I also used to think masculine energy was about fighting, sex and power. It’s not, and it’s the balance of the two energies that unlocks the greatest powers. With the stereotypes of what a man should be I could never have imagined talking to my guy friends about spirit guides, reiki, meditation, astrology and deep spiritual realisations, but they saw something within me. They wanted some of it and have never looked back.

Not only do I want to help others but it’s my soul’s calling.


Why I'm the best person to help you...

I can share more of my story, advice, alternative medicine ideas and provide reiki to clear your energy blocks, to give you the reset you need. All of this for free, well, sort of…pay whatever you feel is right. As cheesy as it sounds my payment is seeing people walking away lighter with the knowing I’ve helped someone along on their path.


It hasn’t been easy, but I’m grateful for the darkness that brought me into the light to find balance.


It’s not a mistake or coincidence that you are reading these words now, life has led you this far. I’ll share with you what I’ve learnt to enable you to free yourself from your stress, anxiety, worries and a long list of unnecessary suffering.

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